Everyone dots on babies, whether their parents, uncles, aunts or the kid next door. But they become a nightmare when they don’t let anyone sleep at night. Newborn babies aren’t immune to crying; they would cry at the most ungodly hours and completely dishevel the sleeping schedule of their parents. That is why it is essential to know a few baby sleeping tips to calm them down and make them sleep at night.
New parents struggle a lot with setting a sleeping routine for their newborn babies and would often have to sacrifice their sleep. Here are a few tips to help ensure that your baby sleeps soundly at night.

1. Sleeping in the Same Room
Babies sleep most of the time for the first few months of their lives. Newborn babies typically sleep around 16 to 17 hours per day. While babies need to get plenty of rest, where they sleep is also crucial for their development. Studies have shown that babies who sleep in the same room as their parents (but not in the same bed) have a lower risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). As newborn babies cannot yet regulate their body temperature, sleeping near their parents helps keep them warm and comfortable.
Additionally, being in the same room as their parents allow babies to see, hear, and smell them, which helps to create a sense of familiar comfort and security. For these reasons, it is recommended that parents share a room with their baby for at least the first six months of life.
2. Make a Routine
Believe it or not, the first few months are difficult for all parents. It takes some time for the newborn babies to get into the rhythm of sleeping and eating, but it’s pure bliss when they do. That is why one of the initial steps of developing a night-time routine for newborn babies is getting them to sleep at a particular time. Develop a pattern for them to sleep, and then you can alter it according to your sleeping schedule.
3. Sleeping Habits
Parents of newborn babies quickly learn that a consistent bedtime routine is a key to a good night’s sleep – for both baby and parents alike. But what exactly should this bedtime routine look like? First, starting the routine before your baby is overtired is essential. You’ll need to begin the activities about 30 minutes before you plan to put your baby down for the night. Second, keep the environment calm and quiet, with soft lighting.
It will help your baby to relax and prepare for sleep. Third, choose calming and relaxing activities, such as bathing, cuddling, singing, or reading. And finally, end the routine with a clear delineation – such as putting your baby in their crib or saying goodnight. Following these simple tips can help your little one (and yourself!) get a good night’s sleep.
4. Getting a stroller
Strollers are highly effective if you want your newborn baby to sleep peacefully. Babies love a good ride, and strollers provide just that. You can take the baby on a short ride to the park or in your garden, and the baby will most likely be asleep before you get back home. Read more here if you need a guide to buying the best stroller for you.
Strollers are a big lifesaver for parents who want to minimize the effort of always carrying the baby for a few hours while simultaneously keeping the baby relaxed and comfortable.
5. Pacifiers and Environment
Parents have long known that pacifiers can be a helpful tool for calming babies. Now, research suggests that pacifiers may also help reduce the risk of SIDS. The theory is that the sucking motion helps regulate breathing and that pacifiers may provide a protective effect if infants are exposed to other risk factors for SIDS. While more research is needed to confirm these findings, pacifiers can be a helpful tool for parents of unsettled babies.
In addition to the potential benefits of pacifiers, creating a calm and soothing environment is essential when caring for babies at night. Dim lighting, soft voices and slow movements will help to signal to your baby that it is time to sleep. Creating a peaceful environment can help your baby (and yourself) get the rest you need.

Concluding Thoughts:
As any parent knows, babies are individuals with their unique preferences and personalities. Some babies are natural night owls, while others are early birds. While it can be tempting to force your baby into a particular sleep schedule, it is often more practical to respect your baby’s preferences and adjust routines accordingly. Night owls will often do better if they are allowed to stay up a bit later in the evening, while early birds may need to wake up a bit earlier in the morning. By respecting your baby’s preferences, you can help them develop healthy sleep habits that will serve them well into childhood and beyond.